iKasi Creative leads the way in affordable film training for youth.

Want youth film training that’s award-winning and recognized in the Film Industry? Want to study film and all things creative in a training school that is owned and run by passionate people who truly careiKasi Creative is the training centre for you!

1. iKasi Creative makes a difference

iKasi Creative offers training that changes the lives of its students, forever. This may be self-discovery, fresh confidence or a start in the film industry. Read what two of our West Coast learners, Matthew Kotze and Shahida Jooste, who are currently enrolled in our Digital Media Content Creator (DMCC) Incubator had to say about their experiences at iKasi Creative. Matthew says, “I can say with honesty that if it was not for the opportunity iKasi Creative presented to me, I would have never grasped the true meaning of being the artist that I am, a storyteller in my own creative space and feel proud about it. After I did my 3-month Bootcamp with iKasi Creative in 2021, I started my photography business called ‘Labels Aside Craft’ and I have been blessed with work and iKasi Creative was my foundation”. Shahida also had something to say about her experience at iKasi Creative, “I am a DMCC student and have grown a lot over the past few months. iKasi Creative has moulded me into a better filmmaker. I don’t think I would be as confident as I am right now if it wasn’t for them. I will forever be grateful to iKasi Creative”. 

We know that, starting off in the film industry is not that easy. All our students had to start somewhere, starting from scratch has never been easy but it is the only way to get where you want to be. Most of the film industry’s star crew members advanced in the industry this way – starting at the bottom and proving themselves as they move up to their dream position in media and film. 

We love great story tellers - we're inspired by SA's top Spoken Word artists like Naleli Rugege. Photo: The Culture Trip

2. iKasi Creative wants to hear your story

We make a difference through the art of storytelling, and we believe that this will give you the opportunity to tell your story and be heard. The aim is to create a piece of video that is written, storyboarded, scripted, directed and edited by the student and is then broadcasted on CTV. We stand out that we have followed the massive trend of digital that is seeing all things going ‘digital’. Just as 57% of global video is viewed on cell phones, these devices are being used more widely to make online videos. iKasi Creative leads the way and trains our students to create excellent content using a tool that is already right in their hands.

Develop great creative work like China Town by Sho Madjozi | Courtesy of Absolut One Source Live and https://theculturetrip.com

3. Creative? Finger on the Pulse? Join our Digital Media Content Creator

If you are someone that is creative and obsessed with everything creative, then you should see us in training. We are passionate about what we do and how we do it. If you want to try your hand at filmmaking and producing? We got you and you have come to the perfect place to learn and grow in film and content creation. This is the place to be where you can engage in meaningful discussions with peers and instructors. Remember, there is no stupid question, bring your curiosity and ambition to every part of this course.  

iKasi Creative brings digital media skills to rural youth in a fully accredited yet affordable course. Photo: plett-tourism.co.za

4. iKasi Creative is fully Accredited with MICT SETA

We are an accredited MICT SETA training provider in the Film, Television and Media space. Our programs are accredited and designed to develop a selected group of youth to become job-ready or to become entrepreneurs in the digital media space. All our learners are placed in workplace mentorships, to gain hands-on experience in a supervised environment and be guided on to employment. We are passionate about training and empowering rural unemployed youth to get access to a career in media. The training modules are workshops that combine theory (done online and in class) and practical projects (developed at home) for the iKasi Voices series. This Incubator program is a 12-month registered NQF Level 4 Qualification and runs from July 2022 – June 2023.

iKasi Media is a non-profit company, keeping your pocket in mind throughout. Photo: Bloomberg.com

5. iKasi Creative Content Creator Incubators are affordable…

We know that teaching and training cannot be accomplished if there are financial barriers, so our students are given a stipend to help with transport and necessities. If we expect our students to pay for the training, we would be limiting them and their future growth. iKasi Creative does this by partnering with some valued sponsors and CSI Projects in order to boost South African youth. We long to see undiscovered talent, the unique stories of unreached places and previously unemployed youth given opportunities to earn and thrive. Overall, we offer some financial support to make sure there are no barriers to you becoming the best storyteller and filmmaker you can be. 

We reach small towns in the Western Cape and Garden Route. Photo: touropia.com

6. iKasi Creative reaches untouched areas in South Africa

Our students come from all over the country. We have some from Garden Route, West Coast, Breede Valley and of course, Cape Town. Our passion is to change lives that were once unreached in far-away areas. We love finding untold rural stories and broadcast them all over the country. Our sponsors are so proud of this approach and love getting behind this training. We look forward to helping youth from rural areas become known for their filmmaking talent.

The Film Industry offers a range of jobs and part-time positions. Photo: Atlantic Film

7. iKasi Creative prepares students for work in the film and media industries

We have a bit of a different approach on how we get our students job ready. We focus more on personal development and entrepreneurship to ready our students for the job market. In this way, our students feel confident in their own skin, and they are then able to go out and make waves in the filmmaking industry.

As we know, finding a job with a lack of work experience is nearly impossible. So, for this reason, we go out to these small towns and areas, and we recruit youth who are driven to work in the creative industry, like media and film. We guide them with various training and programs with different levels of difficulty and time spent. We also make sure its practical for our students to study by using online lessons and work-from-home projects.

Many of our students claimed that they never thought they would be in the film industry and that is what makes the journey so much sweeter.

Advance to an iKasi Creative Learnership in all aspects of media and film, from sound to content creation and social media. Photo: Brett Sayles, Pexels, SABC

8. iKasi Creative student life culminates in a rewarding Learnership

Once you have completed our DMCC Orientation, and we see your passion, potential and ability to learn fast, we will boost you up into our DMCC Bootcamp. Here you will learn a range of skills and work on a personal project that will see you telling a story of your own to be broadcasted on Community Television. Succeed at this level and you enter the exciting DMCC Incubator – where you will do a learnership.  Here you get to study and earn a stipend at the same time. Imagine, being paid to study!

A learnership is an ideal place to boost your skills in filmmaking. As you work face-to-face with people in the industry on live projects, it’s a great place to gain confidence in your production skills. It takes hard work, self- belief and commitment but you will be powered by the excitement you feel at this stage.  This is where excitement builds up, you work independently and can just see that door to the industry opening for you! 

Stand on the shoulders of giants as iKasi Creative invites industry leaders to share their hard-earned skills.

9. You will be trained by film industry leaders

Our learnership is presented by top film industry masters. One student added, “Just last week we had Lee-Ann Van Rooi who gave us some advice and techniques on how to get into character when on screen. Now if I was at another company, I would not have had the honor of meeting her. My mind was blown. She is such a lovely person, very creative and passionate about what she does, and we love to see things like that.” Another student added appreciation for director and creative consultant in video, Melt van der Spuy, who is an independent director, producer, and co-presenter, and was also in at the training, giving input. It was clear from his work, that he enjoys what he does, and it was such a privilege to learn from someone who is currently adding their creative energy and excellence to the media and film industry. 

The film and media industry is unique in that it demands skill and experience on the job more than fancy degrees, and so many roles to choose from. Photo: musicgateway.com

10. The DMCC Incubator trains you up for a range of roles in the Film industry

Once you have completed our DMCC Incubator Learnership, you may go on to take on many roles in media, social media and film. The course will introduce you to these skill sets and options from filmmaker to photographer, videographer, social media administrator/content creator, blogger/vlogger, newsletter designer and website content creator and so much more. There are limitless options. The film industry offers a unique opportunity – it allows its crew to learn on the job, prove themselves and climb the film ladder as high as their ambition and hard work will take them. A course simply fires up and boosts that film industry journey as well as offering you peers to follow and compete with in the industry. Once you have found a job that you love, you won’t have to work a day in your life!

If this exciting journey sounds like it could be a fit for you, contact iKasi Creative today!

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